Evaluation of Ecosystem Services and Management of Urban Green Areas: Promoting Healthy and Sustainable Cities

To promote healthy and sustainable cities, urban green space management must
conciliate convergent challenges that derive from health, environment and development
agendas (GALLO; SETTI, 2012). Urban green areas, such as urban parks (ARCE et al.,
2014; CHIESURA, 2004; CONWAY; VANDER VECHT, 2015), squares, public gardens and road arborization (LOBODA; DE ANGELIS, 2005), are considered relevant
in promoting sustainable development of a city and in offering ecosystem services that
add well-being to human life. Furthermore the ecosystem services of urban green areas
contribute to the mitigation of negative environmental externalities that result from urbanization (FERNANDES; BOTELHO, 2016; GÓMEZ-BAGGETHUN; BARTON, 2012).

Artigo retirado do site: https://www.scielo.br/j/asoc/

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