Hydraulic Technological Center Foundation, Sao Paulo, Brazil; University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
ABSTRACT: Vessels moored at port terminals may be subject to excessive strain on mooring lines, induced by other ships passing in their vicinity. This phenomenon is called hydrodynamic interaction, and well known in the international literature as Passing Ship. It occurs due to the displacement of the mass of water between the two vessels, which, consequently, induces hydrodynamic stresses on the two ships. Within this context, scale models are a powerful tool for hydrodynamics studies, being able of reproduce the complex water flow phenomena that take place around passing and moored ship. This paper presents a scale model technique to study the Passing Ship phenomenon and its application on a case study developed for the Santos Port. The study was based on the analysis of the results of simulations performed on a 1:170 scale model to compare the effect of various navigations conditions on the mooring lines of a docked ship.
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